It's (way past) Time for Academic Leaders to Transform Legal Education in the Digital Age
Evolve ... or die.
Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there was a tenured professor-turned-administrator named “Sarah”. She had dedicated her career to the field of education and had become an esteemed academic at a top 100 law school (according to the ranking system that shall not be named).
Sarah took pride in her work, always striving to provide the best possible education for the students under her care and the faculty who relied on her academic and curricular leadership. However, as time went on, she noticed a growing frustration among her faculty and students.
Sarah's faculty members seemed stuck in their ways, relying on traditional teaching methods that had served them well in the past. Despite Sarah's encouragement, prodding, academic support training and suggestions to explore innovative approaches, the faculty were resistant to change.
And they also were not shy in reminding Sarah that administrators come and go… but tenured faculty are forever. Or something like that. 😐
Students, on the other hand, expressed a desire for a more practical and engaging learning experience. They wanted to develop skills that would prepare them for the dynamic and technology-driven future of their respective industries.
As the years went by, Sarah witnessed other industries undergoing transformative shifts. She saw how the music industry transformed from vinyl records to cassette tapes, then to CDs, and eventually, digital streaming platforms. She observed how companies like Netflix emerged, disrupting the video rental industry, rendering Blockbuster stores obsolete. These examples made her reflect on the importance of adapting and embracing change.
Sarah knew that if she didn't guide her faculty and institution into the future of education, they would risk becoming irrelevant, much like Blockbuster had in the face of digital streaming. She realized that standing still while the world moved forward was not an option.
With a renewed determination, Sarah embarked on a journey to transform her institution's approach to education. She began by seeking out innovative thinkers and experts in the field, attending conferences, and reading books on educational transformation. She shared her newfound knowledge with her faculty, organizing workshops and training sessions to inspire them to think differently.
One of Sarah's breakthrough moments came when she invited a guest speaker who shared a case study from a school that had successfully transformed its curriculum to align with the demands of the digital age. This innovative example demonstrated how the institution had seen a surge in student enrollment, improved learning outcomes, and gained recognition as a forward-thinking educational leader.
Motivated by this success story, Sarah collaborated with her faculty to reframe the curriculum, integrating practical skills development, technology literacy, and experiential learning opportunities. They introduced new courses that combined legal theory with real-world application, leveraging digital tools and emerging technologies to enhance student engagement and prepare them for the evolving legal profession.
The results were transformative. Faculty members, initially hesitant about change, began to embrace the new approach and witnessed the positive impact on student engagement and learning outcomes. The law school's reputation grew, attracting top-quality students, faculty, and resources. Sarah's institution became a shining example of innovation in legal education.
Sarah's decision to pivot from the status quo saved her law school from irrelevance. She understood that in the face of changing times, adaptation and innovation were not merely desirable but necessary for survival. Her commitment to leading her institution into the future of education had paid off, and she became an inspiration to academic administrators across the region.
The story of Sarah and her law school serves as a reminder that leaders who refuse to pivot and adapt risk becoming obsolete, like Blockbuster in the face of digital streaming.
Embracing change, leveraging technology, and aligning education with the demands of the future are vital to stay relevant and provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in their respective fields.
Are you ready to seize a unique opportunity that can revolutionize legal education and position your law school at the forefront of innovation? As an academic dean, you play a vital role in shaping the future of legal education, preparing students for success in the ever-changing legal landscape.
Take a look at what the most innovative law schools are doing and take copious notes. Because you and I both know that traditional legal education methods are no longer sufficient in preparing students for the challenges and complexities of the digital age.
As an administrator, you may be experiencing frustration and pressure from various angles (trust me … been there, done that, got the t-shirt in my former role as an associate dean for academic affairs at a major law school).
For example, you likely have experienced:
1. Frustrated Faculty: Your faculty members may be stuck in a rut, teaching the same way they have for years. They may lack the knowledge and strategies needed to embrace innovative teaching methods and effectively prepare students for a technologically driven legal profession.
2. Increasing Bottom Line: University administrations and stakeholders exert pressure on academic deans to increase the law school's revenue. You face the challenge of balancing financial considerations while providing a quality education that meets the evolving demands of the legal profession.
3. Student Expectations: Law students enter your institution with high expectations. They want practical skills, exposure to emerging technologies, and the ability to thrive in a competitive job market. Meeting these expectations is crucial for attracting and retaining top-quality students.
4. Competitive Landscape: Law schools across the country are vying for the same pool of applicants. To stand out and attract the best and brightest, your institution must offer an education that is relevant, forward-thinking, and aligned with the demands of the digital age.
You are a problem solver. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be in a leadership position. And falling behind is a serious risk that leads to countless other programmatic challenges.
I get it. I created the first blockchain, cryptocurrency and law online certificate program at a law school. So I know first hand what it is like to be on the leading edge (read: front lines) of change. Important and necessary change.
But change is rarely welcomed or supported. Especially at the professional education level. I offer four action steps you can take right now in preparation for the school year to begin your quest to move education forward into the digital economy:
Step 1: Embrace Innovation to Drive Impact and Influence. Discover how to break free from the confines of traditional legal education and embrace innovation as a catalyst for success. Learn how innovative teaching methods, cutting-edge technologies, and experiential learning can transform your faculty and students.
Step 2: Build Strategic Alliances for Growth and Collaboration. Learn the power of collaboration and networking. Uncover the secrets to creating strategic alliances with legal industry professionals, alumni, and other academic institutions. These relationships will provide invaluable support, resources, and opportunities for growth.
Step 3: Reframe the Curriculum for Relevance and Practicality. Explore the principles of curriculum reframing and aligning it with the demands of the digital age. Discover how to integrate practical skills development, technology literacy, and emerging legal areas into your curriculum, ensuring your graduates are prepared to excel in the evolving legal landscape.
Step 4: Drive Continuous Improvement and Innovation. Develop a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within your law school. Discover proven strategies for gathering feedback, evaluating initiatives, and implementing adjustments based on evidence and stakeholder input.
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If you’re interested in solving these issues and reimagining higher education, share your comments, questions, concerns, and experiences in the comments. Because one thing I know for sure (in my Oprah Winfrey voice) is there is strength in numbers and in sharing resources and experiences.
The future is now. And it begins with us.
About the Author: Professor Tonya M. Evans
Tonya M. Evans, author of Digital Money Demystified, is a full tenured professor at Penn State Dickinson Law and holds a prestigious five-year co-hire appointment at the Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences. Her outstanding achievements have earned her widespread recognition, including the esteemed 2023 EDGE in Tech Athena Award for Academic Leadership. She is an exclusive member of the invitation-only Northwestern University Alumni C100 and has been honored as a nominee for Professor of the Year in 2020-21. Furthermore, she was featured on the highly regarded 2021 Forbes Over 50 List in the Investment category and named in the prestigious Fastcase 50 list.
With her vast expertise and experience, Dr. Evans actively contributes to numerous national and international boards and committees. She holds a significant role as co-leader in the World Economic Forum/Wharton DAO Project Series, a research initiative focused on the groundbreaking blockchain phenomenon. In addition, she serves as a Senior Advisor to Black NFT Art and Advisor to Maxwell Frost, a prominent US congressional candidate. Her impressive roster of international engagements solidifies her as a global thought leader in her field.
Specializing in intellectual property, new technologies (including blockchain and distributed ledger technology), entrepreneurship & innovation, entertainment law, trusts & estates, and municipal finance, Professor Evans consistently produces impactful research and thought-provoking insights. Her written work, speeches, and teachings primarily explore the intersections of copyright and new technologies, as well as the intricate landscape of estates law.
Learn more at ProfTonyaEvans and follow her on social at @IPProfEvans.